Monday, November 1, 2010

Money (Brainstorming Sheet)

1. If I were a millionaire.

2. An invention that I cannot live without.

3. Money is the root of all evil.

4. Money does not buy happiness. Do you agree?

  1. Money can procure other inventions or material possessions, either
  • for use
  • for pleasure
  • for social status or symbols of wealth

Questions for Brainstorming

  1. What are some of the things that your parents must buy, or spend money on?

  1. What are the things that you or your parents buy for pleasure?

  1. What are the things that people buy for social status or to show that they are wealthy?

B. Money can procure the power over other people, in terms of

  • employment and labour
  • controlling a workforce

Questions for Brainstorming

  1. Why do people work?

  1. What is the basic relationship between an employer (boss) and an employee (worker)?

C. Money can procure

  • rest and relaxation
  • the fine things in life
  • luxury and the good life

Questions for Brainstorming

  1. What does rest and relaxation mean?

  1. Why do we need rest and relaxation?

  1. What, in your opinion, are some of the fine things in life?

  1. Why, in your opinion, do people want to buy luxury goods?

  1. What are the two main money classes? How are they different?

D. Money can cause problems such as

  • crime
  • greed
  • unhappiness
  • a need to make sacrifices
  • envy/jealousy
  • decadence
  • self-destruction

Questions for Brainstorming

  1. How does money cause crime?

  1. What is greed and how does a greedy person satisfy his greed?

  1. How does money cause unhappiness?

  1. In your opinion, what are some of the sacrifices that an adult must make for money? Think about your parents, your teachers, or the adults around you.

  1. What is the difference between envy, jealousy and admiration?

  1. In your opinion, why does someone become envious of another person’s wealth?

  1. In your opinion, why does someone become jealous of another person’s wealth?

  1. In your opinion, when does someone admire another person’s wealth?

  1. What is decadence, and how is it related to money?

  1. How does money cause self-destruction? If possible, show some examples.

E. There are some things that money cannot buy. What are they?

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